Friday, October 7, 2011

Tavis Smiley: Are blacks too deferential to this President. What is the price? Silence? OccupyWallStreet
Next march: Why not demand a job from Wall Street since they used our tax dollars to create their record profits. OccupyWallStreet
Jeff Madrick on Keith Olbermann's 'Countdown': OWS needs a set of principles/demands to force politicians into action.
U.S. Park Police say second day of "occupation" of FreedomPlaza has been peaceful so far; no arrests. occupydc #o...
Gingrich: I'd ignore Supreme Court if need be
Video: North Korea’s starving children
Syrian forces kill seven protesters - activists
Mitt Romney's Foreign Policy: George W. Bush Redux?
Case Study On How Lobbyists Are Undermining Dodd-Frank
Keith Olbermann: The Obama administration doesn't "really get it" when it comes to OccupyWallStreet