Sunday, January 25, 2015

Barrett Brown Conviction Part of Reign of Terror Against Hacktivists

While the U.S. government is free to break into computers and networks--illegally--all others who do the same are treated like al Qaeda terrorists. It's all about power. We don't have it and the government does. And if you complain about it you will go to jail. Thank goodness that there are those--like Brown and Edward Snowden--willing to risk their lives so that we live free:
...Barrett Brown is nonetheless the latest victim of what advocate and lawyer GrĂ¡inne O’Neill has dubbed “the nerd scare”: Over the past couple of years, scores of hackers have been arrested in a single, unprecedented, cohesive swoop—and largely in direct retaliation to politically motivated hacks, such as those organized by the collective Anonymous. These hacks are not about getting rich—they are digital direct action intended to increase transparency and to protest censorship and corruption.

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