Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I'm still betting on Newt to implode just in time for Iowa. Could be Ron Paul that sneaks in.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Congressman Paul Ryan: 918 days since the Senate last passed a Budget.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dylan Ratigan: The politician that raises the most money wins the elections
Alternet reporter: Oakland police has a recent history of brutality and had been under investigation by the federal government.
Alternet reporter: Oakland police has a recent history of brutality and had been under investigation by the federal government prior to the Olsen incident. Occupy

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Self-described Redneck Party in Tennessee plans to protest Gov. Walker: http://bit.ly/nL2WRm
Falling for New Neocon Propaganda: http://bit.ly/oluRkr
Wall Street Firms Spy on Protesters In Tax-Funded Center: http://bit.ly/ratioA
Texas Politicians Fight to Stop Confederate Flag License Plate: http://ping.fm/eBJuZ
Too Many Guns in too many hands: 1 Killed, 7 Injured in Fort Worth Shooting: http://bit.ly/qcPxcn
Ron Paul: Taxation is "Theft", "Immoral"
Why Dems are winning the money war: http://ping.fm/JCYcp
Occupy Chicago: 130 arrested in city park protest: http://bit.ly/qh5Y8p
GOP candidates would cut federal judges' power: http://bit.ly/nteYcf
Demonstrations, Poll Fuel NY Millionaire Tax Push - Long Island Press http://ping.fm/Xlvle

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Anti-WalMart Demonstration In Washington - Lez Get Real http://ping.fm/idrPB
Mars Probe Prepared for Launch into Orbit http://ping.fm/7T5LJ
Accused spy admits affair with ex-MP http://ping.fm/jdq0B
Occupy Wall St. Comes to Toms River - Patch.com http://ping.fm/mVPJ4
Occupy Augusta members donate to LePage's food drive - Bangor Daily News http://ping.fm/Lhj48
Hundreds rally in support of Iranian opposition
(AP) http://ping.fm/L4KgPhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111022/ap_on_re_us/us_iran_opposition
Atlanta mayor issues 2nd ultimatum to Occupy Atlanta protesters to leave downtown park or be arrested http://ping.fm/tC2ho
Hundreds march across I-5 Bridge - The Columbian http://ping.fm/3u92m
'Occupy' Protesters Form Second London Camp http://ping.fm/Iu1Ug
German Satellite Expected to Hit Earth Sunday - ABC News http://ping.fm/pttwy
Romney says he could back Perry http://ping.fm/3SaCu
Libyans urged to unite after death of Gaddafi http://ping.fm/Fcrpi

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Police in Des Moines Take Different Approach than Iowa City, Arrest ‘#OccupyWallStreet’ Protesters http://bit.ly/qzcCfT
OccupyWallStreet sympathizers in Indiana take over Statehouse lawn: http://bit.ly/p5RzqL

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sharon Waxman, on Reliable Sources: OccupyWallStreet is "organic" and "leaderless" like Arab Spring
There is a strong correlation between corporate investment and jobs created: http://bit.ly/noRQrP
Howard Schultz: Defund the politicians, Washington is “Dysfunctional”: http://bit.ly/oA2vJe
Starbucks' Howard Schultz: Washington is "dysfunctional"; economy is not getting better.
Economist Martin Wolf: We can't have a double-dip recession because we never got out of the first one.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Iraq, siding with Iran, sends essential aid to Syria's Assad - Washington Post http://ping.fm/7lAA3
Syrian Security Forces Fire on Kurdish Mourners - Wall Street Journal http://ping.fm/ypRqY
Killing of Opposition Leader in Syria Provokes Kurds - New York Times http://ping.fm/RcinZ
2 Killed at Funeral for Syria Activist - Voice of America http://ping.fm/6iYfp
Andrew M. Cuomo announced plans to give $400 million in taxpayer incentives to a host of corporate giants with a track record of outsourcing American jobs. http://bit.ly/rqdNrI
Syrian Forces Fire on Funeral, 2 Killed - TIME http://ping.fm/Ip9ra
Deadly gunfire at funeral of Syrian opposition leader - CNN http://ping.fm/1t514
2012 politics on docket for high court http://ping.fm/k0XWJ
Syria security forces 'open fire at Kurd's funeral' - BBC News http://ping.fm/0F1ch
Fact Check: Romney misfires on defense http://ping.fm/UwqQZ

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tavis Smiley: Are blacks too deferential to this President. What is the price? Silence? OccupyWallStreet
Next march: Why not demand a job from Wall Street since they used our tax dollars to create their record profits. OccupyWallStreet
Jeff Madrick on Keith Olbermann's 'Countdown': OWS needs a set of principles/demands to force politicians into action.
U.S. Park Police say second day of "occupation" of FreedomPlaza has been peaceful so far; no arrests. occupydc #o... http://ping.fm/sE31n
Gingrich: I'd ignore Supreme Court if need be http://ping.fm/HUElf
Video: North Korea’s starving children http://ping.fm/UJWmx
Syrian forces kill seven protesters - activists http://ping.fm/wyTRr
Mitt Romney's Foreign Policy: George W. Bush Redux? http://ping.fm/0TP7T
Case Study On How Lobbyists Are Undermining Dodd-Frank http://ping.fm/lREZh
Keith Olbermann: The Obama administration doesn't "really get it" when it comes to OccupyWallStreet

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fewer Workers Insured As More Are Employed Part-Time, Study Finds: http://huff.to/mZVeUf
US Turns Blind Eye To Colombia’s Questionable Human Rights Record: http://bit.ly/p5lKyX OccupyWallStreet OccupyDC
Central America murder rate near crisis point: U.N.
(Reuters) http://ping.fm/GIulvhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111006/wl_nm/us_un_homicide
Pat Buchanan: Both Parties to Blame for Exporting Jobs which has Destroyed the Middle Class: http://bit.ly/oX2XUc
North Korean Children Facing Starvation http://ping.fm/1vwq9
Wall Street protests mark 20th day http://ping.fm/Mg23D
Giuliani to do ads for nuclear plant near NYC http://ping.fm/vFbFI
Unions lend muscle, resources to Wall St. protests - "We're in it together, and we're in it for the long haul.": http://bit.ly/q0Ufz4
Pat Buchanan: Both parties are to blame for exporting American jobs abroad and thus destroying the middle class.
Secret panel can put Americans on "kill list'
(Reuters) http://ping.fm/byxC3http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111006/ts_nm/us_cia_killlist

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fannie Mae Ignored Foreclosure Misdeeds, Report Says http://ping.fm/NbgE8
Patriotic Millionaires Echoes Occupy Wall Street (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) http://ping.fm/ZQuAS
Video: Visitors insist Rick Perry's camp had offensive name http://ping.fm/mFgSr
Construction spending increased 1.4 percent in August but remains well below healthy levels http://ping.fm/u70HC
Three Berlusconi Aides to Stand Trial for Allegedly Recruiting Women for Prostitution http://ping.fm/Je1SL
Jewish Radicals Suspected in Burning of Mosque in Israel http://ping.fm/LuzXG
Chris Matthews: Obama is too "debonair." He needs to show more passion.
California solar company makes its way without subsidies http://ping.fm/Nmsh2
Poll: Half of U.S. says Afghan war not a success http://ping.fm/HBXIw

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Free Trade will not help workers in Colombia - Washington Times http://ping.fm/pAj8m

Free Trade will not help workers in Colombia

This appears in the pro-right, pro-business Washington Times:

President Obama's recently mentioned that free trade agreements are pending approval in Congress. One of these is with Colombia, South America, the country where I was born and where I lived until I was 21 years old.

From that insiders perspective following is my personal knowledge flavored by my understanding of Colombian culture and politics. I also have definite views of what the Free Market treaties have done to our American economy.

Competing on a non-level playing ground has not been very successful for the American worker. Making goods in a country that has rational economic, labor, and environmental structures is a lot more expensive than in a country that doesn't have them.

This combined with very low labor costs makes competition very hard if not impossible.

Mothers With Depression 'Suffer In Silence'

Sky News:

Up to 35,000 mothers each year in England and Wales are struggling with post-natal depression and not getting the help they need, according to a charity poll.

Panetta Warns Israel Getting More Isolated: http://bit.ly/mRcvZZ
Budget cuts are slowing down U.S. courts: http://bit.ly/mZWUvW
CIA worker linked to Pakistan deaths held in US after fight: http://bit.ly/rk5pdH
Albuquerque protesters 'Occupy Wall Street' in New Mexico http://ping.fm/LiFOV
Herman Cain: Rick Perry Is 'Insensitive' Toward Black People http://ping.fm/JQ3Pn
U.S. economy protests spread - Video http://ping.fm/Cz3sy
Reports say Tibetans protest in southwest China
(AP) http://ping.fm/F77Mwhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111002/ap_on_re_as/as_china_tibet_protest
Syrian tanks seize city 'from deserters http://ping.fm/hHRKS
Rep. Bachmann missed every House vote in September http://ping.fm/TKTbZ

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Syrian troops open fire at thousands of protesters rallying against regime, activists say; at least 7 wounded - @AP http://ping.fm/clMbQ
Asked if New York City will let the Wall Street protesters stay as long as they want, Mayor Michael Bloomberg repli... http://ping.fm/1ldXp
JetBlue CEO to Washington: FAA shutdown "criminal" http://ping.fm/NSmmV
Occupy Wall Street Protest Spreads To San Francisco (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) http://ping.fm/r6fgG
Income Falls In August For First Time In Nearly Two Years As Labor Market Stalls http://ping.fm/XKpGC
90 percent of Americans say economy stinks http://ping.fm/BmGMF

Thursday, September 29, 2011

US: Cyber attacks on utilities, industries rise
(AP) http://ping.fm/q2Qushttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110930/ap_on_bi_ge/us_cyber_defense
Judge allows United changes opposed by pilots http://ping.fm/vjKjv
President Morales asks for forgiveness after attacks on indigenous groups http://ping.fm/yChyp
Meet Dave Carney, Rick Perry's Karl Rove-like political guru http://ping.fm/1bit0
Ohio bill would undermine public safety workers’ collective bargaining rights http://ping.fm/G1aqV
House GOP Unveils Plan To Cut NPR, Job Training and Education Programs http://ping.fm/jZGxR
Hispanic Children Make Up Largest Share Of Poor Children In U.S. http://ping.fm/kVS4S
China 'shadow-boxing' US at sea: Philippines' Ramos http://ping.fm/8dhel
Bill O'Reilly: Herman Cain Has 'No Clue About Foreign Affairs' (VIDEO) http://ping.fm/xUCp5
Chris Christie: Too Overweight to Win? http://ping.fm/iOjTK
SOLARGATE II? Obama Gives $737 Million Dollar Loan To Solar Company Connected To Nancy Pelosi’s B… http://ping.fm/doPnv
Bob Cesca: The Republicans Continue to Wage War Against Government Workers http://ping.fm/F3Wuv
Herman Cain: 'Today, I Could Not Support Rick Perry As The Nominee' (VIDEO) http://ping.fm/mS58T

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

TRENDING: Cain: Black community 'brainwashed' into voting for Dems http://ping.fm/gMUrN
Daily Kos: Tom Tancredo accuses Rick Perry of secret Sharia conspiracy to turn Texas schools into madrasas http://ping.fm/IVtD5
Obama’s uneasy relationship with black voters http://ping.fm/8Wssn
Two-thirds of Thailand cabinet are millionaires http://ping.fm/HLQN3
Al-Jazeera accuses Israel over detention of bureau chief http://ping.fm/lkU62
Iranian Pastor Faces Death For Being a Christian http://ping.fm/vgCfK
Immigration and poison use in cities http://ping.fm/GMbGz
Why Nader, Cornel West, Jonathan Kozol Seek Primary Challenges to Obama - The Nation. (blog) http://ping.fm/73KQM
Republican Virgina Governor Wants to Secede From the United States--Over Healthcare http://ping.fm/cOGnP
Feds Foil Remote-Controlled Terror Attack http://ping.fm/aaJOv
Rand Paul places hold on pipeline safety bill despite its strong support http://ping.fm/YJ8mP
Reebok to pay $25M over toning shoe claims http://ping.fm/ihbIF
Study: Education About Civil Rights Movement Is 'Dismal' In U.S. Schools http://ping.fm/Oy7eS
Health insurance premiums skyrocket http://ping.fm/QFnta
Sens. Lieberman, Coburn press for big cuts to Medicare http://ping.fm/EpfFE
Cuba legalizes general purchase and sale of cars http://ping.fm/v31Om
US 'threat' unites Pakistan http://ping.fm/K6Z5n
Aid agency withdrew Pakistan staff after CIA fake vaccination scheme http://ping.fm/TU46v
Video: CNN's Report on "Occupy Wall Street" is an Insult: http://bit.ly/phQCnB
Perry Gets Gov Support, Romney Leads in Congress http://ping.fm/vXm0e
$1 billion in solar loans OK'd by US http://ping.fm/ECNCm
Fighting poverty pays off, report says: http://bit.ly/nvHQU2
Alaska Rep. Young wants regulations rolled back to 1991 levels: http://bit.ly/rmBbdm

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

North Carolina Governor Suggests Suspending Elections to Spur Economic Solutions

Sounds like a good idea to me:

The solution to the nation's jobs crisis: suspend congressional elections?

That was the proposal put forward by North Carolina's governor, who was trying to make a point at a Rotary Club event that political considerations are hindering efforts in Washington to tackle unemployment and economic stagnation.

Rep. Ron Paul: The country is ripe for revolution: http://bit.ly/q42SHf

Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama tells his African-American Supporters to Shut up and Stop Complaining: http://bit.ly/odJwQZ

Sunday, September 25, 2011

1,000 march against Hershey’s corporate greed, for good jobs: http://bit.ly/pTJgOi
Why does Obama and Congress want to pass a free trade agreement with Columbia where workers are oppressed: http://bit.ly/pajMBd

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Top Dem: Obama Plans to Run Against Bush Again in 2012: http://bit.ly/r0zXM9 He certainly can't on his record.
Head of the IMF: weak growth, high debt threatens global economy and has been worsened by dysfunctional politics: http://reut.rs/oiC36S
Ron Paul Wasn't Joking About Letting Uninsured People Die -- His Uninsured Staffer Died of Pneumonia: http://bit.ly/qoCLcI
Chevron confirms fresh oil leak in Gulf of Mexico: http://bit.ly/oqVypn

Sarah Palin: Claims Tea Party Politician Took Cocaine And Cheated On Husband In Joe McGinniss Book

Sarah Palin: Claims Tea Party Politician Took Cocaine And Cheated On Husband In Joe McGinniss Book | World News | Sky News
In 2009, Perry mandated meningitis vaccines for all college students after getting donation from Novartis: http://bit.ly/n4JS5P
Zbigniew Brzezinski (on Morning Joe): We talk peace but we don't promote peace: http://bit.ly/oQvFPS

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bloomberg poll: By more than 2 to 1 ratio Independents will "definitely" not vote to re-elect Obama (46-21)
DeMint is over on FOX calling Obama a "socialist." No "disrespect." Then Big business must love socialism because profits are booming.
The top 400 Americans own more than the bottom 150 million: http://bit.ly/mPxToT
After last night's fiasco time to challenge Obama in the primaries: http://n.pr/nxhETv
In 2001 speech, Perry praised Medicaid, urged study on providing health insurance to Mexicans: http://bit.ly/qogev2

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rick Perry Under Fire by Republican Rivals for Requiring HPV Vaccine for Girls

Rick Perry Under Fire by Republican Rivals for Requiring HPV Vaccine for Girls - NYTimes.com
Poverty in America at record 46 million. And even more (50 million) still do not have healthcare.
The poverty rate is the highest since 1983. Why does Obama have trouble mentioning the word 'poverty'?: http://bit.ly/nlp840

CNN/Tea Party Republican Presidential Debate Transcript (9-12-11)

Complete CNN/Tea Party Republican Debate Transcript (Part One)

How Banks Got Too Big to Fail

How Banks Got Too Big to Fail | Mother Jones

A half-trillion-dollar Medicare cut? Not exactly

A half-trillion-dollar Medicare cut? Not exactly - CNN.com
Bill Adair, Politicheck: Rick Perry debate comment on stimulus creating "zero" jobs is "ridiculously false"
Capital Gains Tax Cuts Massively Transfer Wealth to the Top: http://bit.ly/nv3mid

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

“Class warfare is being waged by politicians protecting the super rich — and they’re winning.”: http://bit.ly/rrV30N
"Mass layoffs" in U.S. up 3 percent:: http://bit.ly/riA3iV
Labor unions adjust to new reality under Obama: http://bit.ly/oQ73St
Fareed Zakaria: U.S. ranks near bottom in number of paid vacation days (13). The Europeans and other countries get 3 times as many.
"...for the first time since 1945, the net change in the number of new jobs created in August was exactly ... zero.": http://bit.ly/rd6ZKv
Faced With An Angry Public, Lawmakers Abandon Town Halls: http://bit.ly/pY789e

Friday, September 2, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Report: top corporations spent millions on politics, paid no federal taxes: http://ainn.ly/rk492L
Joe Scarborough: Rick Perry is a "Dime Store" Conservative. Why?: Perry praised Clinton healthcare reform in 1993.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Michelle Bachmann, you violated the 3 commandment with your "joke": http://bit.ly/qZiYJs
David Arkush, Public Citizen, criticized Obama's Bush-like attempt to reduce waste in government. It's a "waste of government resources."
Texas Gov. Perry became a millionaire while serving in office: http://bit.ly/p0iR3p

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Why Washington Really Likes Itself: http://nyti.ms/pyM8Dc
CBS News: For every dollar spent on infrastructure $1.44 is returned to the economy. It's an investment in America; a no-brainer.
Bloomberg: Public Transportation most likely not running on Monday despite no rain expected.. Wanna bet it is?
"Have the Weather Channel and rest of media overhyped Irene?": http://bit.ly/pnRZCe
Obama finally shows concern about a natural disaster while it's happening. He usually waits several days later to comment.
The politicians are getting plenty of face time on TV from the Irene over-hype. They also don't want to be accused of not doing enough.
The hype over Hurricane Irene is overblown, predicts the CEO of Advanced Forecasting Corporation: http://bit.ly/r7Z4ML

Thursday, August 25, 2011

AFL-CIO head: Labor to Ditch Democrats

AFL-CIO head: Labor to Ditch Democrats - Americans for Political Change
- Finally labor isn't going to be used by the Democratic Party. This is a major turning point in American labor.
Why is the Obama administration pushing free trade agreements? http://bit.ly/nddpAE
Tonight we learned on The ED Show that Governor Perry promoted an insurance scam in Texas that targeted retired teachers.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Protesters arrested outside White House in opposition to a proposed oil pipeline to the U.S. coming from Canada: http://bit.ly/p9LnLY
Bill Burton, former Obama Deputy Press Secretary: Obama Low Poll Numbers due to President being a "strong leader"
The "rebels" have reached Tripoli!
Candy Crowley asks Obama David Axelrod whether the President is taking blacks for granted. The press deserves credit for bringing up topic.
Romney To Quadruple Size Of $12 Million California Home: http://bit.ly/qcgg38
Did your hear? The GOP wants to Raise Your Taxes. Ironic? Hypocritical? http://ping.fm/4lVJv

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ron Paul polls just 4 points below Obama if the two ran head-to-head

This is embarrassing for the President. Ron Paul is a fringe candidate with no chance of being the nominee of the Republican Party. This shows that unprincipled incumbent is vulnerable to a fringe candidate who stands on strong principles--even if offbeat:
Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), among the most conservative members of the House and for many a long shot in the 2012 presidential race, would be only a 4-point underdog against President Obama at this time, according to a poll released Friday.

Rasmussen is reporting that Obama is in a virtual tie with Mitt Romney; the former Massachusetts governor is polling 1 point ahead of the president. In polling of Romney versus Obama, the president received 42% compared with Romney's 43%, a tossup considering the margin of error.
Full article

Silent majority fed up with Washington

Silent majority fed up with Washington - CNN.com
The debate is dominated by the political extremes. Those on the far right would rather have the federal government default on its financial obligations than give ground on what is anathema to most conservatives: raising taxes. Those on the far left would rather risk default than give ground on what is anathema to most liberals: reducing entitlements.
Caught between these two extremes are those Americans who want their leaders to set aside ideology and do what's best for the country. This is America's silent majority. These are the Americans who watch ESPN and HGTV at night instead of MSNBC and Fox. They vote in most elections, although they've been known to miss a primary or two. If they contribute to a campaign, it's usually to a local candidate or a friend who's running for the school board.

Gunmen kill Iranian nuclear scientist in Tehran

Gunmen kill Iranian nuclear scientist in Tehran
Gunmen on a motorcycle assassinated an Iranian nuclear physicist on Saturday, Iranian media reports said, in a killing that bore similarities to other slayings of scientists involved in the country's nuclear work in recent years.

The semi-official ISNA news agency identified the victim as Darioush Rezaei, a 35-year-old physics professor involved in Iran's nuclear program, and said he was shot dead in front of his home in Tehran. Iran's official IRNA news agency also reported the killing but had few details on the attack or the man's background.

U.S. wastes $34 billion in Afghan and Iraq contracting

That's money that could have gone towards reducing the debt.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Federal Spending In Ron Paul’s District Quadrupled In The Last Ten Years

Federal Spending In Ron Paul’s District Quadrupled In The Last Ten Years

Federal spending in anti-government Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-TX) district has quadrupled since 1999 to more than $4 billion, ... read more



REPORT: Number Of Tea Party Events Down More Than 50 Percent In 2011

REPORT: Number Of Tea Party Events Down More Than 50 Percent In 2011

Last September, Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin answered critics who predicted that the movement would soon ... read more



Thursday, July 21, 2011

Harry Reid: House Taking A Weekend Off Could Cause Catastrophe

Harry Reid: House Taking A Weekend Off Could Cause Catastrophe

WASHINGTON -- House Republicans are setting up a catastrophic U.S. default by deciding to take a weekend off while time to ... read more



Friday, July 15, 2011

94-year-old upset by TSA pat down


A 94-year-old wheelchair-bound Florida woman says a search she went through at Raleigh/Durham International Airport went too far.

Marian Peterson said it happened July 6 as she went through a TSA security checkpoint before boarding a flight home.

Peterson said she was selected for extra screening. First, security officers lifted her out of her wheelchair and helped her stand in a full body scanner. Then, she was given a physical pat down.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mystery of twin's brain damage tied to wipes

Mystery of twin's brain damage tied to wipes
MSNBC | JULY 11, 2011

For nearly four years, no one knew what caused the rare bacterial infection that left Myles Massey brain-damaged while his twin ... read more



Bad bug: Gonorrhea strain resists all drugs

Bad bug: Gonorrhea strain resists all drugs
MSNBC | JULY 11, 2011

For several years, public health officials have been concerned that gonorrhea, one of the most prevalent STDs in the world, ... read more



Pawlenty blasts Bachmann's 'nonexistent' record

Pawlenty blasts Bachmann's 'nonexistent' record
MSNBC | JULY 11, 2011

Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty said Sunday that 2012 rival Michele Bachmann has a "nonexistent" record of ... read more



Bush Tax Cuts Cost $2 Trillion in Revenues

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Labor Angered by Obama's willingness to cut Social Security in Debt ceiling Deal


Unions are making it known that Social Security cuts are unacceptable to them and say they will lobby against any cuts to the popular entitlement program.

“I think this is a huge political mistake for Democrats,” Chuck Loveless, legislative director for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), told The Hill.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

NY Times Column: The Unemployed Don't Matter to the Politicians


What gives? And where, if anywhere, is the outrage?

The United States is in the grips of its gravest jobs crisis since Franklin D. Roosevelt was in the White House. Lose your job, and it will take roughly nine months to find a new one. That is off the charts. Many Americans have simply given up.

But unless you’re one of those unhappy 14 million, you might not even notice the problem. The budget deficit, not jobs, has been dominating the conversation in Washington. Unlike the hard-pressed in, say, Greece or Spain, the jobless in America seem, well, subdued. The old fire has gone out.

Wisconsin GOP Running Fake Democrats to Undermine Recall Elections


It looks like allies of Wisconsin Republicans are growing so desperate that they’re resorting to sleazy dirty tricks in their last-ditch bid to help the GOP hang on to the state senate.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Scientist: NKorea paid Pakistanis for nuclear tech


The founder of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program claims that in the late 1990s North Korean officials paid kickbacks to senior Pakistani military figures in exchange for critical weapons technology.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Polifact: Gov. Scott Walker's Statement that “the largest deficit ever in Wisconsin” was 2 years ago, is false.


Appearing on a national cable TV show viewed by some 269,000 people, Walker said the state’s largest structural deficit had come two years earlier, under his Democratic predecessor. He was off by seven years and a political party.

We rate his statement False.

Since 2009, 88 Percent Of Income Growth Went To Corporate Profits, Just One Percent Went To Wages


“Between the second quarter of 2009 and the fourth quarter of 2010, real national income in the U.S. increased by $528 billion. Pre-tax corporate profits by themselves had increased by $464 billion while aggregate real wages and salaries rose by only $7 billion or only .1%. Over this six quarter period, corporate profits captured 88% of the growth in real national income while aggregate wages and salaries accounted for only slightly more than 1% of the growth in real national income. …The absence of any positive share of national income growth due to wages and salaries received by American workers during the current economic recovery is historically unprecedented.”

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Transcript: President Obama News Conference (6-29-11)

Full Transcript. Excerpt Below:

Q    There is some question about the constitutionality of the War Powers Act.

THE PRESIDENT:  I’m just saying I don’t have to reach it.  That’s a good legal answer.

Q    (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT:  Let me start by saying that this administration, under my direction, has consistently said we cannot discriminate as a country against people on the basis of sexual orientation.  And we have done more in the two and a half years that I’ve been in here than the previous 43 Presidents to uphold that principle, whether it’s ending “don’t ask, don’t tell,” making sure that gay and lesbian partners can visit each other in hospitals, making sure that federal benefits can be provided to same-sex couples.  Across the board — hate crimes  — we have made sure that that is a central principle of this administration, because I think it’s a central principle of America.

Now, what we’ve also done is we’ve said that DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, is unconstitutional.  And so we’ve said we cannot defend the federal government poking its nose into what states are doing and putting the thumb on the scale against same-sex couples.

What I’ve seen happen over the last several years, and what happened in New York last week I think was a good thing, because what you saw was the people of New York having a debate, talking through these issues.  It was contentious; it was emotional; but, ultimately, they made a decision to recognize civil marriage.  And I think that’s exactly how things should work.

And so I think it is — I think it is important for us to work through these issues — because each community is going to be different and each state is going to be different — to work through them.  In the meantime, we filed a — we filed briefs before the Supreme Court that say we think that any discrimination against gays, lesbians, transgenders is subject to heightened scrutiny, and we don’t think that DOMA is unconstitutional [sic].  And so I think the combination of what states are doing, what the courts are doing, the actions that we’re taking administratively, all are how the process should work.

Q    Are you at all uncomfortable that there could be different rules in different states, you know, and for somebody to make the argument that’s what we saw during segregation –

THE PRESIDENT:  Chuck, I think what you’re seeing is a profound recognition on the part of the American people that gays and lesbians and transgender persons are our brothers, our sisters, our children, our cousins, our friends, our co-workers, and that they’ve got to be treated like every other American.  And I think that principle will win out.  It’s not going to be perfectly smooth, and it turns out that the President — I’ve discovered since I’ve been in this office — can’t dictate precisely how this process moves.  But I think we’re moving in a direction of greater equality and I think that’s a good thing.

CBSNews: Poll: Many say economy is in permanent decline

CBSNews: Poll: Many say economy is in permanent decline http://bit.ly/lFlLal

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Politfact: Michelle Bachmann has a Problem with the Truth

This is why she's a flake. Bachmann is charlatan who's made a career of saying anything that would promote her political ambitions:

SCHIEFFER: I want to ask you about something else. A lot of your critics say you have been very fast and loose with the truth.

You know, the PolitiFact, which is a website that won a Pulitzer, did an analysis of 23 statements that you made recently. Of these 23, only one they said was completely true. Seven they call "pants on fire" kind of falsehoods. Four were "barely true" and two were "half- true."

Full article

Gaza activists say ship sabotaged in Greece

- I wonder who was doing the sabotaging. It's disputes like this could end up dragging us all into a world war.
Gaza activists say ship sabotaged in Greece  http://bit.ly/iwf6mM    Shared with News Republic (http://us.news-republic.com

Boeing, NLRB: Congressional Republicans interfere with NLRB case that involves Boeing


The NLRB is looking into whether Boeing chose to establish a manufacturing plant for its new 787 airliner in South Carolina to punish its unionized workers in Everett, Wash., which would be illegal. But the board is months, if not years, away from making any such determination or taking any concrete action against Boeing. An administrative law judge convened a hearing June 14, but thus far has heard not a single word of testimony.

Republican Party of the Rich Plunged us into Deficits before Obama


The failure of our leaders to offer realistic budget proposals was a major reason I decided to retire after 28 years in Congress, most of them as a professional staff member on the Republican side of both the House and Senate Budget Committees. My party talks a good game, railing about the immorality of passing debt on to our children. But the same Congressional Budget Office that punctured Obama's budget also concluded that the major policies that swung the budget from a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion in 2001 to the present 10-year deficit of $6.2 trillion were Republican in origin.

Video: Bernie Sanders: "Tell The President Not To Yield One Inch"; On Debt Deal

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bachmann: Fox apology not accepted


Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota didn't exactly accept an apology from Fox News' Chris Wallace following an interaction she felt was "insulting" on "Fox News Sunday." Wallace asked Bachmann "Are you a flake?" in a Sunday interview and later apologized via web video.

Flood berm bursts at Neb. nuclear plant

Flood berm bursts at Neb. nuclear plant

A water-filled berm protecting a nuclear power plant in Nebraska from rising floodwaters collapsed Sunday, according to a ... read more



Nighttime or violent TV tied to tots' sleep woes

Nighttime or violent TV tied to tots' sleep woes (AP)
YAHOO NEWS | JUNE 27, 2011

AP - If your preschooler can't sleep — turn off the violence and nighttime TV. read more



Spectacular discoveries in New Guinea

Spectacular discoveries in New Guinea (AFP)
YAHOO NEWS | JUNE 27, 2011

AFP - A frog with fangs, a blind snake and a round-headed dolphin are among more than 1,000 new species recently found on the ... read more



Chaos in Yemen Creates Opening for Islamist Gangs

Chaos in Yemen Creates Opening for Islamist Gangs

The port city of Aden is now surrounded by roving gangs who have captured at least two towns, stormed prisons and looted banks ... read more



Blagojevich Tells Jury Casino Bill Wasn’t Tied to $100,000 Contribution

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Billionaires give big to new 'super PACS'


The outside role a small number of extremely wealthy donors is playing in the run up to the 2012 elections is highlighted by the first early finance reports of the new campaign cycle filed late last week by two so-called "super PACs " — political groups that can raise unlimited amounts from individuals, corporations and labor unions.

Michele Bachmann denies benefiting from government aid


As the Minnesota Republican kicks off her run for the presidential nomination, she responds to a Los Angeles Times report about federal money that went to her family's farm and her husband's counseling clinic.

Rep. Michele Bachmann deflected allegations Sunday that she and her immediate family had benefited from government assistance despite her demands to cut the federal budget, saying hundreds of thousands of dollars for her family farm and a counseling clinic went to employees and her in-laws.

China's Great Swindle: How Public Officials Stole $120 Billion and Fled the Country


A report by China's central bank found that thousands of Chinese government officials have smuggled billions out of the country and fled, mainly to the U.S., highlights "the corruption within a corrupt system"

Republican Romney to tap ex-pat wealth in London


Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney takes his fund-raising machine to London next month, holding a reception aimed at wealthy American expatriates working at banks and hedge funds.

A handful of London fund-raisers were held during the 2008 presidential election cycle, but Romney's event, scheduled for July 6, will be the earliest ever of its kind.

The reception will be held at Dartmouth House, an opulent mansion in the heart of Mayfair that is often used for weddings and conferences.

The suggested contribution to the "Romney for President" campaign is $2,500, according to an invitation seen by Reuters. Under U.S. law, only American citizens and green card holders can contribute.

Fox’s Chris Wallace To Michele Bachmann: ‘Are You A Flake?’

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Did Russian mafia kill MI6 Gareth Williams, who was developing secret technology to track gangsters' laundered cash


The MI6 agent found dead in a holdall at his London flat was working on secret technology to target Russian criminal gangs who launder stolen money through Britain.

The revelation adds weight to claims that Gareth Williams was killed because of his secret work and raises the possibility that the Russian mafia has targeted British spies.

Obama: U.S. can't "cut our way to prosperity"


Nor can we spend our way to prosperity. Especially when you have nothing to spend. And you tried that with no positive results for the American people.

Poll: People divided on looming debt crisis

We need to be worried:

Americans seem not to have awakened to the fast-looming debt crisis that could summon a new recession, imperil their stock market investments and shatter faith in the world's most powerful economy. Those are among the implications, both sudden and long-lasting, expected to unfold if the U.S. defaults on debt payments for the first time in history.

Facing an August deadline for raising the country's borrowing limit or setting loose the consequences, politicians and economists are plenty alarmed. The people? Apparently not so much.

They're divided on whether the raised the limit, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that found 41 percent opposed to the idea and 38 percent in favor.

People aren't exactly blase. A narrow majority in the poll expects an economic crisis to ensue if the U.S., maxed out on its borrowing capacity, starts missing interest payments to creditors. But even among that group, 37 percent say no dice to raising the limit.

Full article

DeMint: America should 'finish the job' in Afghanistan

Economic message eludes Obama

- He has no message

Economic message eludes Obama
POLITICO | JUNE 24, 2011

A gloomy economy and a "winning the future" mantra adds up to be a messaging minefield. read more



Tea Party Splits On Contentious Issue

Tea Party Splits On Contentious Issue

WASHINGTON — The House's tea party caucus split on a major foreign policy vote Friday – whether to cut ... read more



Friday, June 24, 2011

Texas Considers Allowing Confederate Flag On License Plates...

Texas Considers Allowing Confederate Flag On License Plates...

Texas Considers Allowing Confederate Flag On License Plates...(Second column, 1st story, link) read more



Hacker Group Posts Arizona Police Documents...

Hacker Group Posts Arizona Police Documents...

Hacker Group Posts Arizona Police Documents...(First column, 5th story, link) read more



Thursday, June 23, 2011

US ready to arm Philippines amid China tension

CHART: Corporate Tax Holiday Pushed By GOP Increases The Amount Of Money Corporations Invest Offshore

CHART: Corporate Tax Holiday Pushed By GOP Increases The Amount Of Money Corporations Invest Offshore

Several Congressional Republicans have been promoting the idea of enacting a tax repatriation holiday, which would allow ... read more



Herman Cain: Reporters Who Quote Me Are ‘Stupid’

Herman Cain: Reporters Who Quote Me Are ‘Stupid’

Taking a page from Newt “Any ad which quotes what I said Sunday is a falsehood” Gingrich, presidential candidate ... read more



CBO: Debt Explosion Coming

CBO: Debt Explosion Coming

Ballooning entitlements threaten to push the national debt bigger than the entire US economy by 2021, and twice that size ... read more



Joint Chiefs Chairman Criticizes Obama's Troop Withdrawal Plan

Joint Chiefs Chairman Criticizes Obama's Troop Withdrawal Plan

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. military's top officer told Congress on Thursday that President Barack Obama's decision to ... read more



Newsweek: Americans Will Work for 25 Cents an Hour

Newsweek: Americans Will Work for 25 Cents an Hour

The minimum wage in America may officially be $7.25, but in fact there are Americans willing to work online for as little as 25 ... read more



No decision yet on allowing guns in State Capitol

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

60 al Qaeda prisoners escape from Yemeni jail...

60 al Qaeda prisoners escape from Yemeni jail...

60 al Qaeda prisoners escape from Yemeni jail...(First column, 8th story, link) read more



Man flies US AIRWAYS in women's underwear!

- Where do you draw the line? There are differences between men and women.

Man flies US AIRWAYS in women's underwear!

600 ? 600 : true);" src="

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Jets nearly collide at JFK after pilot ignores air-traffic controller...

Jets nearly collide at JFK after pilot ignores air-traffic controller...

Jets nearly collide at JFK after pilot ignores air-traffic controller...(First column, 3rd story, link) read more



Union Files Complaint Against GOP Senator

Union Files Complaint Against GOP Senator

WASHINGTON — The union representing Boeing Co. workers in Washington state has filed an ethics complaint against Sen. ... read more



Al Gore Blasts Obama For Failing To Combat Climate Change

Al Gore Blasts Obama For Failing To Combat Climate Change

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former Vice President Al Gore is going where few environmentalists - and fellow Democrats - have gone ... read more



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

North Carolina man robs store so he can get health care in prison

North Carolina man robs store so he can get health care in prison

A North Carolina man robbed a local store for a dollar just so he could get health care in prison, he said. read more



Fliers give airlines poor marks on customer service

Fliers give airlines poor marks on customer service
MSNBC | JUNE 21, 2011

Air travelers continue to be dissatisfied with the flying experience, according to a new report from the American Customer ... read more



Manhunt for drug fiend who killed 4

Manhunt for drug fiend who killed 4

A massive manhunt spread across Long Island on Monday for the cold-blooded drug fiend who massacred four people - shooting them ... read more



'Scared to Death': KBR Worker Says She Was Drugged, Raped

'Scared to Death': KBR Worker Says She Was Drugged, Raped
ABC NEWS | JUNE 21, 2011

read more



Home sales sink to lowest level of the year

Home sales sink to lowest level of the year
MSNBC | JUNE 21, 2011

Fewer Americans purchased previously occupied homes in May, bringing sales down to their lowest level of the year. read more



Article: Fukushima nuclear disaster and a major spike in the U.S. infant mortality rate!

Recalls of Imported Foods Are Flawed, a Government Audit Reports

Recalls of Imported Foods Are Flawed, a Government Audit Reports

The F.D.A. is often failing to ensure that contaminated goods from abroad are withdrawn promptly from the nation’s food supply, ... read more



Politically Tied Lawyers Win Jobs Handling Foreclosures in the City

Politically Tied Lawyers Win Jobs Handling Foreclosures in the City

The foreclosure crisis has caused a surge in the number of court-appointed receivers for distressed properties in New York, and ... read more



Ed Show: SuperRich Income Increased over 240% in Last 30 years, Workers 0%

Radioactive Tritium Has Leaked From Three-Quarters Of U.S. Nuclear Plants

"Newsweek: The Rich Get Richer While the Middle Class Gets Poorer--and the Economic Inequality is Bankrupting Social Security

John Rivera (@Jobrny) has shared a Tweet with you:

"Newsweek: The Rich Get Richer While the Middle Class Gets Poorer--and the Economic Inequality is Bankrupting Social Security http://thebea.st/jlkVVb"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dem Rep: Latinos Shouldn't Vote For Obama If Demands Aren't Met

Dem Rep: Latinos Shouldn't Vote For Obama If Demands Aren't Met

WASHINGTON -- In a meeting with bloggers last week, longtime immigrant rights advocate Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) said ... read more





TRENTON, N.J. — Bucking the state's powerful public employee unions, the New Jersey Senate on Monday passed a ... read more



Still No Action From Obama On Gun Control In Wake Of Giffords Shooting

- Like with so many issues Obama has done nothing or very little. This President, like the Congress, are totally fearful of the NRA. They won't even act to protect themselves if it means endangering their reelection chances.

Still No Action From Obama On Gun Control In Wake Of Giffords Shooting

WASHINGTON — More than five months after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head, the White House has yet to ... read more



Sunday, June 19, 2011

States look to Internet taxes to close budget gaps

McCain slams GOP hopefuls' 'isolationism'

Impersonator mocks Obama, Gingrich at GOP forum (AP)


A Barack Obama impersonator was ushered off the stage after he mocked the Republican presidential hopefuls and joked about the real president's biracial roots to a room full of conservative activists Saturday.

The Republican Leadership Conference turned the podium over to impersonator Reggie Brown, who drew raucous applause from the GOP's supporters when he projected lewd photos of Rep. Anthony Weiner, the New York Democrat who just resigned after the furor over his sexually charged online dalliances with a former porn actress and other women.

Brown later played up the mass exodus of advisers to candidate Newt Gingrich's campaign and said Gingrich's supporters "are dropping faster than Anthony Weiner's pants."

The audience grew more uncomfortable when Brown turned to the candidates who are looking to make Obama a one-term president.

The impersonator took a shot at former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, saying Pawlenty missed the conference because "he's having his foot surgically removed from his mouth."

Terror in Tripoli: 'They shoot us like cats in the street'

Friday, June 17, 2011

AARP sounds alarm: Social security must change

Army promotes Idaho soldier being held captive

US lawmakers press Taiwan on Falungong-linked TV

Deer dropped by eagle knocks out power in Montana

As Greece Becomes More Likely To Default, American Economic Recovery Is At Stake

NRSC pays off $6.5 million credit line

NRSC pays off $6.5 million credit line
POLITICO | JUNE 16, 2011

Officials say it is the first of the party committees to wipe out its debt this cycle. read more





ROCHESTER, NH -- Inside the long, low-slung white church here, close to the Maine state line and about 20 minutes from the ... read more



Al Qaeda-related statements, backpack found in suspicious vehicle stopped near Pentagon

Al Qaeda-related statements, backpack found in suspicious vehicle stopped near Pentagon

ARLINGTON, Va. -- Authorities found al Qaeda-related statements, a backpack containing ammonium nitrate, and spent 9mm shells ... read more



Saudi women drivers stage protest - BBC News

Saudi women drivers stage protest - BBC News

New York Times (blog)Saudi women drivers stage protestBBC NewsWomen in Saudi Arabia have been openly driving cars in defiance ... read more



Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hill leaders ride stock market riches

Hill leaders ride stock market riches
POLITICO | JUNE 15, 2011

Financial disclosures show that top congressional officials had a good year financially. read more



One Trend Among GOP Freshmen: Debt

One Trend Among GOP Freshmen: Debt

Republican freshmen in Congress say they're serious about tackling the US debt—but when it comes to their own personal debt, ... read more



Obama donors net government jobs

- Patronage is alive and well in Washington. And Obama plays the game with the best if them.

Obama donors net government jobs
POLITICO | JUNE 15, 2011

Nearly 200 of the president's top contributors have landed plum administration and advisory posts. read more



Women Dying Younger ... in Parts of US

Women Dying Younger ... in Parts of US

If you're a woman living in Madison County, Mississippi, you might want to consider moving. Females in certain parts of the ... read more



Citigroup says hacking affected 360K credit cards

- Those big profits big business is making are obviously not going towards increasing their cyber-security.

Citigroup says hacking affected 360K credit cards

Citigroup said that about 360,000 credit card customers were affected by last month's hacking attack, or nearly double the ... read more

