Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rick Perry Under Fire by Republican Rivals for Requiring HPV Vaccine for Girls

Rick Perry Under Fire by Republican Rivals for Requiring HPV Vaccine for Girls - NYTimes.com
Poverty in America at record 46 million. And even more (50 million) still do not have healthcare.
The poverty rate is the highest since 1983. Why does Obama have trouble mentioning the word 'poverty'?: http://bit.ly/nlp840

CNN/Tea Party Republican Presidential Debate Transcript (9-12-11)

Complete CNN/Tea Party Republican Debate Transcript (Part One)

How Banks Got Too Big to Fail

How Banks Got Too Big to Fail | Mother Jones

A half-trillion-dollar Medicare cut? Not exactly

A half-trillion-dollar Medicare cut? Not exactly - CNN.com
Bill Adair, Politicheck: Rick Perry debate comment on stimulus creating "zero" jobs is "ridiculously false"
Capital Gains Tax Cuts Massively Transfer Wealth to the Top: http://bit.ly/nv3mid