Sunday, October 2, 2011
Free Trade will not help workers in Colombia
This appears in the pro-right, pro-business Washington Times:
President Obama's recently mentioned that free trade agreements are pending approval in Congress. One of these is with Colombia, South America, the country where I was born and where I lived until I was 21 years old.
From that insiders perspective following is my personal knowledge flavored by my understanding of Colombian culture and politics. I also have definite views of what the Free Market treaties have done to our American economy.
Competing on a non-level playing ground has not been very successful for the American worker. Making goods in a country that has rational economic, labor, and environmental structures is a lot more expensive than in a country that doesn't have them.
This combined with very low labor costs makes competition very hard if not impossible.
Mothers With Depression 'Suffer In Silence'
Up to 35,000 mothers each year in England and Wales are struggling with post-natal depression and not getting the help they need, according to a charity poll.